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FB Velocities
Wow Factor Nation 14u Wyatt Shelley R87
Baseball Country 14u Jake Bumgarner R85
Wow Factor Nation 14u Taylor Latham R84
Rawlings Tigers Cruz Redmon R84
Vba 14u Black Layton Pohl R83
Top Gun Baseball Bj Anderson R82
Rawlings Tigers Drake Bell R82
SBG Sox American 26 Garrett Reid R82
Knights Knation 14u American Kolston Martinez R81
Wow Factor Nation 14u Ryder White R80
Knights South 14U Platinum Xavier Tye Burress R79
Chaos Brooks Canady R79
Meacham Athletics Elite Fletcher Cox R79
Tritan Rays Madison Curry R79
Meacham Athletics Elite Zane Minton L79
Knights South 14U Platinum Ian Weaver L79
SBG Sox American 26 Asher Doepel R78
The Dream Jared James R78
Meacham Athletics Elite Samuel Stockett R78
Wow Factor Nation 14u Kolby Stringer R78
Knights Knation 14u American Bankston Walters R78
Canes Alabama 14U North Griffin Winn R78
Excel Blue Wave Payton Wood L78
Wow Factor Nation 14u Will Bizot R77
Chaos Brady Cavanaugh L77
SBG Sox American 26 Asher Drake R77
Rawlings Tigers Hayden Willett L77
The Dream Lane Brown R76
Top Gun Baseball Tyler Butts R76
Meacham Athletics Elite Brooks Crawley R76
Chaos Jacob Fisher R76
SBG Sox American 26 Austin Hubbard L76
Meacham Athletics Elite Russ Ingram R76
SBG Sox American 26 Kyson Key R76
SBG Sox American 26 Cole Miles R76
Hustle Baseball 14u Luke Parr R76
Knights South 14U Platinum Jarret Scott L76
Knights South 14U Platinum Sam Smith R76
Canes Alabama 14U North Noah Stafford R76
Baseball Country 14u Peyton Stewart R76
Knights Knation 14u American James Blackwood R75
Rawlings Se Mad Mavericks Andrew Day R75
Canes Alabama 14U North Elijah Degante R75
Canes Alabama 14U North Ryan King R75
SBG Sox American 26 Carter Lee R75
Knights Knation 14u American Arlan Olivier R75
Chaos Davis Shiver R75
Knights Knation 14u American Lander Smith R75
Twitty City Pirates-Black Alexander Marino R74
Bulls Baseball 14u Graham Segraves R74
Tritan Rays Caden Tellier R74
Knights South Porter Hunter Wilson R74
Wow Factor Nation 14u Chase Ainsworth R73
Knights South 14U Platinum Mason Beers L73
Hustle Baseball 14u Carter Bohlken R73
Chaos Graham Davis L73
Chaos Lint Sawyer R73
Canes Alabama 14U North Bryce Zimmerman R73
Tritan Rays Colton Ashmore R72
Canes Southeast Prospects Caleb Banks R72
Twitty City Pirates 14u Parker Easton Biggs R72
Knights South Porter Ian Brown R72
Twitty City Pirates-Black Lawson Cantrell R72
The Dream Khalon Davis R72
Twitty City Pirates 14u Parker Joshua Duggin L72
Knights South 14U Platinum Blake Griggs R72
Knights South Porter Parker Hovis R72
Hustle Baseball 14u Tucker Lanning R72
Twitty City Pirates 14u Parker Tristan Thornton R72
Knights Knation 14u American Ross Higdon R71
Knights South Porter Miguel Lang R71
Hustle Baseball 14u Jt Trent R71
Twitty City Pirates-Black Isaac Christy L70
Twitty City Pirates-Black Christopher Cohron R70
Knights South 14U Platinum Mick Smith R70
Excel Blue Wave Jack Houser R69
SBG Sox American 26 Eli King R69
Dunwoody Diablos 14u Gold Sam Scazzero R69
Cyclone Baseball 14U Luke Dodd R68
Hustle Baseball 14u Luke Dodd R68
SBG Sox American 26 Easton Gregory R68
Canes Alabama 14U North Ryker Shankles R68
Dunwoody Diablos 14u Gold Alec Vajda R68
Twitty City Pirates-Black Lincoln Fowler R67
Hustle Baseball 14u Jasper Vandiver R67
Hustle Baseball 14u John Zimmerman L67
Twitty City Pirates-Black Henry Bundy R66
Gb Athletics Luke Perry R65
Knights South 14U Platinum Cason Sanchez R65
Wildcats Charlie Jones R64
Twitty City Pirates 14u Parker John Wedgworth R63