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2016 PGBA HS Fall Nationals (Upperclass)
No Metal Spikes
Pitching Mounds on Complex A Fields are Clay - Molded Cleats Recommended
No Sunflower Seed Allowed
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
All Tournament Team
FTB Rawlings16Austin Abbe
Baseball Pros Academy17Mason Allison
FTB Platinum34Cesar Alvarez
SBO THE FAMILY83Ricardo Arambulo
7-tools Vanguards 17U16Kevin Bacenet
FTB Platinum15Cameron Beams
SBO THE FAMILY45Leamsi Bermudez
FTB Orlando7Luis Cabello
FTB Orlando17Luis Cabrera
FTB Celebration18Stephen Ben Chapman
SWAT17Nick Collins
Orlando Tigers26Damian Comas
7-tools Vanguards 17U7Abner De Jesus
Florida League 17u46Ryan Demaree
FTB Celebration6Wesley Devos
Florida League 17u37Noah Doreste
Black Sox4Dustin Doscher
SWAT12Bradley Elpers
Florida League 17u18Scott Fickas
FTB Celebration23Darren Friedman
7-tools Vanguards 17U5Shawn Garcia
Orlando Tigers1Alfredo Gonzalez
Osceola Chiefs 17u10Diego Gonzalez
FTB Orlando5Victor Gotay
17u Team Chandler42Brendan Greenwood
Black Sox10Colin Gross
7-tools Vanguards 17U25Elvin Hernandez
Orlando Tigers27Brian Herrera
17u Team Chandler2James Hurst
Baseball Pros Academy5Jacob Janata
7-tools Vanguards 17U27Miguel Larreal
Black Sox11Dilan Lawson
Osceola Chiefs 17u15Andrew Leeper
FTB Orlando15Abdiel I Lopez
Baseball Pros Academy34Nick Mackedon
Orlando Tigers54Heriberto Maldonado
FTB Rawlings13Joseph Martin
7-tools Vanguards 17U12Hamilton Martinez
Florida League 17u15Ricardo Martinez
Osceola Chiefs 17u41Blake Matheny
Black Sox21Logan May
Black Sox2Cory McCann
SWAT9Larry McLeod
17u Team Chandler32Hunter Medlin
Baseball Pros Academy23Jaxon Mellenberndt
7-tools Vanguards 17U22Osvaldo Mendez
SBO THE FAMILY71Alejandro Mendoza
FTB Orlando99Eduardo Miranda
Baseball Pros Academy2Jonathan Montes
FTB Orlando28Lemuel Mora
FTB Platinum99Mavrick Moreno
SWAT10Dalton Mosser
7-tools Vanguards 17U26Andres Noriega
FTB Platinum6Michael Novak
SWAT14John Oliveira
Florida League 17u88Gage Oyler
FTB Orlando8Josh Pahlad
Florida League 17u14Neil Patel
FTB Rawlings23Jose Perdomo
FTB Celebration24Emil Perez
FTB Rawlings21Vincent Phillips
Baseball Pros Academy22Justin Pope
Baseball Pros Academy11Anthony Radosevich
FTB Rawlings12Dylan Ramirez
Orlando Tigers25Heldon Ramos
FTB Rawlings24Angeluis Reyes
FTB Rawlings25Jan Reyes
SBO THE FAMILY22Christian Rodriguez
FTB Orlando50Edgar Rosa
Black Sox25David Rose Jr
7-tools Vanguards 17U21Austin Rudolph
Baseball Pros Academy7Joshua Scharnberg
FTB Platinum3Robert Scott
FTB Platinum11Alex Shaouni
Florida League 17u6Ralph Spada
Orlando Tigers2Kyle Stark
Black Sox29Robby Swindle
FTB Orlando22Jesus Tapia
FTB Platinum4Andres J Texidor
17u Team Chandler18Hunter Todd
FTB Platinum10Sebastian Tolentino
SWAT18Kevin Tomas
FTB Orlando33Luis Torres
FTB Platinum23Marco Trejo
Black Sox9Tyson Tucker
SWAT11Anthony Urso
FTB Orlando4Alex Vazquez
Baseball Pros Academy10Trey Weathers
SWAT5Matthew Webb
FTB Celebration4Rody Webb
Baseball Pros Academy31Matthew Wheeler
Osceola Chiefs 17u48Anthony Wrobel
FTB Celebration32Dawson Young