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Tournaments  | Story  | 7/16/2020

5 Star Claims 15u BCS Title

Julia Krzeminski     
Photo: 5 Star 15u National (Perfect Game)
FORT MYERS, FL.-- When the 15U BCS comes around, teams from all over the country flock to Fort Myers, Florida to showcase their talented line ups, many with a stack of commits. A prime example is Five Star National 15U Dobbs who possesses eight D1 commits who, not surprisingly, dominated throughout the entire tournament. Five Star National went undefeated and run ruled in three out of six pool play games. To make their way into the championship, Five Star National took a 3-0 lead in their semi final game and held on to win 3-2. Their championship opponents, the Midland Swarm Southeast Blue, with a commit of their own, went into the playoffs with an undefeated record as well. The Midland Swarm had a phenomenal late inning comeback in the semi finals to win the game with a score of 9-4.

With one team a force to be reckoned with and one coming off an exhilarating win, it was unclear who would take home the 15U BCS National Championship title.

Keeping their momentum from the semi-finals, Midland center fielder Andrew Duncan came to the plate and took the third pitch he saw deep to left for a double. A grounder to third combined with Duncan’s speed, gave him just enough time to make it home and avoid the tag for Midland’s first run.

The bats kept going as the game moved to the bottom of the first and Five Star got their first chance at the plate. A ground rule double from James Hays quickly put the team in scoring position. Hays continued to get moved around the bases and was finally brought home off Riley Jackson’s line drive to left. Five Star National kept the runs going as Connor Crisp hit a ground out to first, but an error in the throw to second allowed Stone Russell to round third and score.

Now up 2-1, Five Star pitcher Kaleb Johnson took control of the second and third inning as he allowed just three hits and walked one. In a similar fashion, Cole Libernini of the Midland Swarm shut down the Five Star Nationals lineup giving up one hit through the second.

After Libernini walked the first two batters he saw in the bottom of the third, Elijah Vickers was brought in. Vickers did his job and closed out the inning allowing no hits and forcing Five Star National to leave players in scoring position.

Pitching became the determining factor of the game as Kaleb Johnson continued to keep Midland at no runs through the fourth inning. For Midland, Elijah Vickers proceeded to keep Five Star out of the infield as he saw four batters and gave up one hit during the bottom of the fourth.

To hold their one run lead, Five Star National would need to continue to pitch well against a fighting Midland offense. Coach Britt Dobbs told PG, “we’ve got several guys that are top flight pitchers” and when they are needed, “they have always stepped up and completed that task” required of them which is exactly what they would need to do in this championship.

Both teams saw pitching changes in the fifth inning with Josh Fernald coming in for Kaleb Johnson of Five Star National and the Midland Swarm subbing in Andrew Dunan for Elijah Vickers.

Through the last three innings of the championship, pitcher Josh Fernald of Five Star National gave up just one hit, one walk, and struck out four batters, keeping his team in the lead at 2-1.

For the Midland Swarm, Andrew Duncan had two Ks through the bottom of the fifth and sixth. Duncan’s performance in the bottom of the sixth was critical when he struck out his last batter, forcing Five Star to leave men on third and second and go scoreless.

After an impressive performance from all pitchers, it was Five Star National’s who took home the championship with a final score of 2-1.

The Most Valuable Pitcher award for the 15 BCS National Championship went to Ethan Burkhardt of the Midland Swarm who, over nine innings pitched, had twenty-eight outs, seven strikeouts and a velo of 81.

For Five Star National, the Most Valuable Player was awarded to Stone Russell. Russell’s thirteen runs, fifteen hits, and nine RBIs over the course of the 15U BCS coupled with his performance in the championship made him the clear MVP.