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FB Velocities
NorCal 2011 Scott Griggs R91
East Cobb Astros 15U Brooks Colquitt R88
East Cobb Astros 15U Zane Evans R87
Knoxville Yard 15U Matthew Kirkland R87
Chain Baseball Black 15u Shawn McCain R87
Richmond Braves American '11 Erickson Keeton R86
Indiana Prospects 16U Gold Dillon Peters L86
East Cobb Padres 15u Geoffrey Thomas R86
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue Mike Trout R86
NJ Knights Kai Dominguez R85
Lightning Baseball Nick Fabrizio R85
Team Colorado Robert Forrest R85
NorCal 2011 Taylor Mark R85
East Cobb Astros 15U Connor Mason R85
East Cobb Padres 15u Jarius Rhodes R85
East Cobb Astros 15U Andrew Toles R85
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue John Walter R85
East Cobb Astros 15U Kyle Burchfield R84
East Cobb Redhawks Luke Crumley R84
Richmond Braves American '11 Trent Cundiff R84
NCBA Golden Spikes Cameron Giannini R84
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Nate Hoffa B84
Virginia Breeze Austin Kilbourne R84
Riptide Development John Magliozzi R84
Lightning Baseball Joe Napolitano R84
East Cobb Dodgers Jakob Nixon R84
NorCal 2011 Juan Padilla R84
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Ellis Stephney R84
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Justin Terrill R84
St. Louis Pirates 15u Brett Vanover R84
Lids Indiana Bulls 15U Clay Wallace R84
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Alex Ward R84
East Cobb Astros 15U Zach Alvord R83
Philadelphia Senators National Jesse Biddle L83
Auburn Intimidators Collin Blankenship R83
Mizuno Titans Adam Brown L83
On Deck Cubs '10 Ryan Butler R83
Georgia STaF Adam Clark R83
Richmond Braves American '11 Cody Cox R83
Lids Indiana Bulls 15U Robert Eder R83
NorCal 2011 Eric Jaffe R83
Richmond Braves American '11 Connor Kaufmann R83
East Cobb Padres 15u Devin Rentz R83
East Cobb Rangers Chris Smith R83
On Deck O's 2010 Jake Watson R83
NY Gothams 16u Randy Adames R82
Dugout Club Strikers 15U Chase Blount R82
East Cobb Astros 15U Chase Butler R82
East Cobb Padres 15u Tyler Clackum R82
East Cobb Dodgers Jay Davis R82
East Cobb Cougars 15u Lucas Hart R82
Riptide Development Shawn Heide R82
Indy PONY Express Derek Higgins R82
Mizuno Titans Kyle Leonard R82
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue Ryan Martin R82
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Ryan McGuigan R82
Diamond Devils 15's Blue John McInnis R82
Auburn Intimidators Trey Moreman R82
East Cobb Patriots 15U Ryan Newell R82
Matt Radford R82
Lids Indiana Bulls 15U Steven Rice L82
Indiana Prospects 16U Gold Stephan Snow R82
East Cobb Redhawks Spencer Tolbert R82
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Spencer Ware R82
Philadelphia Senators National Tyler Young R82
Diamond Devils Drew Bailey R81
East Cobb Rangers David Birch R81
NorCal 2011 Jaycob Brugman L81
Indiana Prospects 16U Gold Jared Carr R81
On Deck Cubs '10 Caleb Cunningham R81
Riptide Development Michael Dodakian R81
Sandy Plains Wildcats Allen Grant R81
Auburn Intimidators Bishop Harris R81
Charlie Haslup R81
San Diego Gamers '10 Kyle Hayes R81
Knoxville Yard 15U Wesley Houser R81
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Matt Lawrence R81
East Cobb Dodgers Erik Ledna R81
Philadelphia Senators National Slater McCue R81
Kent Bulldogs Blue Brad Mccutchen R81
East Coast Grays 15U Willie Pantoja Jr. R81
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Kevin Pohle R81
Royals Baseball Academy Mike Pratt R81
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue Christian Rahman R81
San Diego Gamers '10 Reed Reznicek R81
NY Gothams 16u Sam Standing R81
East Cobb Padres 15u Michael Stukes R81
Kent Bulldogs Blue Trace Tam Sing R81
Mizuno Titans Frankie Vanderka R81
NJ Knights Rikeltin Bautista R80
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Michael Bowie R80
Virginia Breeze Bill Cullen L80
Indiana Prospects 16U Gold Conrad Gregor R80
NorCal 2011 Danial Heefner R80
St. Louis Pirates 15u John Houston R80
Richmond Braves American '11 Chris King R80
Team Colorado Matt Lashlee R80
Mizuno Titans Stephen Madison R80
Auburn Intimidators Monterio May R80
East Cobb Patriots 15U Evan Mitchell R80
East Cobb Cougars 15u Mitchell Newsome R80
Dugout Club Strikers 15U Weston Perry R80
East Cobb Rangers Ross Ripple R80
East Cobb Dodgers Jay Shaw R80
East Cobb Rebels, 17U John Skubina R80
NCBA Golden Spikes Jordan Smith R80
Lightning Baseball Chris Splinter R80
Dugout Club Strikers 15U John Thompson R80
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Nick Walker R80
Brandon Ward R80
NorCal 2011 Cody Zimmerman R80
Kenneth Anderson L79
NJ Knights Bryan De Dios R79
Team Colorado Nick Evans R79
Riptide Development Michael Ewing R79
All Star Baseball Academy 15U Navy Bill Fallis L79
Chain Baseball Black 15u Chad Farmer L79
On Deck Cubs '10 Grant Fisher R79
Chris Hanna L79
Virginia Breeze Campbell Henkel L79
Richmond Braves American '11 Matt Houston R79
On Deck O's 2010 Ben Hurst R79
Sandy Plains Wildcats Stephen Janas R79
All Star Baseball Academy 15U Navy Brad Johnson R79
East Cobb Redhawks Will Kendall L79
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Kyle Kirsch R79
Long Island Mariners 15 Michael Martin L79
Jesse Morris R79
Indiana Cardinals Matthew Ring R79
Chain Baseball Black 15u Justin Rogers R79
Philadelphia Senators National Ed Rooney R79
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Ryan Weatherholtz R79
Team Colorado Zack Wiese R79
East Cobb Padres 15u Kevin Adler R78
East Cobb Longhorns 15u Blake Bondurant R78
Riptide Development Harrison Bourikas R78
Diamond Devils 15's Blue Kyle Christian R78
East Cobb Dodgers Patrick Cosgrove R78
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue James Coughlin L78
East Cobb Padres 15u Michael Cuomo R78
East Cobb Patriots 15U LeAndre Davis R78
East Cobb Patriots 15U Ryan Drukenmiller R78
Kent Bulldogs Blue Jason Dudley R78
Kent Bulldogs Blue Shawn Ellis R78
East Cobb Cougars 15u Kent Emanuel L78
Mizuno Titans Jordan Epstein R78
Delaware Storm Matthew Eskridge R78
All Star Baseball Academy 15U Navy Max Friedman R78
Georgia STaF Dalen Gober R78
Indiana Cardinals Codey Harrison L78
East Cobb Rangers Christian Holden R78
East Cobb Dodgers Mott Hyde R78
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Jeff Kammer R78
Lightning Baseball Greg Ladd R78
Lightning Baseball Kyle Levesque R78
Long Island Mariners 15 Matthew LoBello R78
Royals Baseball Academy Cameron MacDonald R78
Indiana Bandits John Mills R78
East Cobb Cougars 15u Kannon Price R78
Louisiana All Stars 15U Tanner Schafer R78
All Star Baseball Academy 15U Navy Alex Schupper L78
East Cobb Longhorns 15u Matt Stephens R78
East Cobb Longhorns Brian Stillwell R78
OTC Bearcats 16U Charlie Suessmith R78
East Cobb Cougars 15u Derrick Thomas R78
Indiana Bandits Andrew Tople R78
Indiana Cardinals Zach Tumulty R78
Team Colorado Nick Whitbeck R78
Indiana Prospects 16U Gold Curtis Wise R78
Indiana Cardinals Drew Adams L77
Long Island Mariners 15 Michael Alas R77
US Athletic Nationals 17u Patrick Alkire R77
Auburn Intimidators Eric Alonzo R77
OTC Bearcats 16U Zach Anderson R77
Lids Indiana Bulls 15U Blair Banker R77
Delmarva Shorebirds 17U Marshall Betts R77
East Coast Grays 15U Sean Cole R77
NJ Knights Jorge Fermin L77
Royals Baseball Academy Christian Fox R77
Indiana Cardinals Taylor Hamilton R77
Georgia STaF Cameron Langley R77
Louisiana All Stars 15U Michael Lasalle R77
Philadelphia Senators National Jon McAllister L77
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Eric Meleney L77
Royals Baseball Academy Domenic Palmariello R77
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Daniel Rodriguez R77
Doylestown Dawgs Brian Susten L77
OTC Bearcats 16U Dylan Thompson R77
US Athletic Nationals 17u Mark Wells R77
East Coast Grays 15U Nicholas Wershing R77
Virginia Breeze Padraic Williams R77
On Deck O's 2010 Andy Wilson R77
Indiana Bandits Nick Archer R76
NCBA Golden Spikes Nathan Becker R76
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Deven Cardenas R76
Cole Carrera R76
Indy PONY Express Brett Dewester R76
East Coast Grays 15U David Dupra L76
Doylestown Dawgs Ryan Etsell R76
Georgia STaF Jacob Feldman R76
Diamond Devils 15's Blue Tyler Fletcher L76
Indiana Bandits Pete Fraker R76
Long Island Mariners 15 Brandon Garland R76
On Deck O's 2010 Jordan Griffin R76
East Coast Grays 15U Nathan Harris R76
Lids Indiana Bulls 15U Scott Hatfield R76
St. Louis Pirates 15u Josh Henson R76
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Taylor Howe R76
Sandy Plains Wildcats Jeffrey Johnson R76
East Coast Grays 15U Patrick Kazley L76
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Reid Kellam R76
Kent Bulldogs Blue Steven Leighton L76
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Garrett Lovelace R76
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Brandon Martineson R76
Indy PONY Express Cody Mcfarland L76
Royals Baseball Academy Jake McGuiggan R76
East Cobb Dodgers Parker Ramsey R76
Perry Rizopoulos R76
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Christian Van Camp L76
East Cobb Dodgers Tyler Van Landingham R76
Wisconsin Dragons Anthony Dake R75
Arsenal Baseball 2007 Kevin Dunn L75
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Chase Garris R75
NCBA Golden Spikes Huston Harrington L75
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Ryan Heckman R75
Delaware Storm Brendan Parsons R75
Diamond Devils 15's Blue Jamie Randall R75
Delaware Storm Zachery Sargent R75
Indiana Bandits Phil Schwenk R75
Wisconsin Dragons Parker Sear R75
Delmarva Shorebirds 17U Jordan Shockley R75
US Athletic Nationals 17u Max Thomas R75
East Cobb Longhorns 15u Stephen White R75
East Cobb Redhawks David Ziemian R75
On Deck Cubs '10 Alex Bartolomeo L74
East Cobb Longhorns 15u Brett Collins L74
East Cobb Cougars 15u Tyler Collins R74
East Coast Grays 15U Jake Eldridge R74
NCBA Golden Spikes Ryne Farmer L74
Doylestown Dawgs Kyle Kennett R74
Long Island Mariners 15 Michael Maurer R74
Royals Baseball Academy Bobby Mcbride R74
On Deck O's 2010 Ryan McClintock R74
East Cobb Padres 15u Nick Muratore R74
Diamond Devils 15's Blue Matthew Porter R74
Knoxville Yard 15U Alex Reynolds R74
Tri-State Arsenal 15u Blue Torry Schroff L74
East Cobb Longhorns Zachary Zarzour R74
Virginia Breeze Cain Allin R73
Indiana Cardinals Brad Benbow R73
Indy PONY Express Sam Buddenbaum R73
East Coast Grays 15U Christopher Dean R73
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Evan Geist L73
East Cobb Longhorns Lance Gray L73
East Cobb Cougars 15u William Hampton L73
East Cobb Redhawks Ben Johnson R73
Long Island Mariners 15 Christopher Kalousdian R73
William Lewis R73
Sandy Plains Wildcats Christoper (Jimmy) Mayer R73
Indy PONY Express Ben McCafferty R73
Delaware Storm Matt McDowell R73
Indiana Cardinals Skyler Toomey L73
Knoxville Yard 15U Steven Weaver L73
San Diego Gamers '10 Cody Willingham L73
OTC Bearcats 16U Mike Aventurato L72
East Cobb Cougars 15u Eddie Denovellis R72
Royals Baseball Academy Leo Finnegan R72
Auburn Intimidators Trey Gregg R72
OTC Bearcats 16U Aaron Knight R72
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Bryan Niedbalski R72
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Ryan Pederson R72
East Cobb Rangers Chris Snipes L72
Dugout Club Strikers 15U Danny Stone L72
Delaware Storm Kyle Timmons R72
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Chris Costello R71
OTC Bearcats 16U David Dotterweich R71
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Blake Elsner L71
Knoxville Yard 15U Phil Ferrira-Alves L71
NY Gothams 16u Nicky Gallo L71
Sandy Plains Wildcats Stefan Glamp R71
Diamond Devils 15's Blue Michael Goss R71
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Derek Mazzio L71
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Oluseyi Oloare L71
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Austin Richards R71
East Cobb Rebels, 17U Trent Sheffield R71
St. Louis Pirates 15u Marshall Vallandingham R71
Delaware Storm Trevor Wilkins R71
Long Island Mariners 15 Max Gold R70
East Cobb Longhorns Brandon Matos R70
Drew Merrill R70
Taylor Pruit R70
East Cobb Redhawks Matt Seedorff R70
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Josh Stargel R70
On Deck Cubs '10 Ryan Wiese L70
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Eric Davis R69
East Cobb Longhorns Taylor Hall L69
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Michael Moore R69
East Cobb Rangers Beau Welborn R69
Royals Baseball Academy Richard Lyons R68
Diamond Skills Baseball 15u Jason Papillo R68
Wisconsin Dragons Mathew Scasny L68
Philadelphia Senators National Kenny Koplove R67
Indy PONY Express Logan Calder R66
St. Louis Diamond Baseball Alex Flynn L66
OTC Bearcats 16U James Hamm R66
Patriots of Northern Virginia 17U - RED Ivan Anderson L65
Indy PONY Express Blake Exline L65
NY Gothams 16u Gabe Faithfull R65
Cincinnati Playground All-Stars Shawn Kim R65
Delaware Storm Cody Shields R65
Indiana Bandits Eric Pearson R62