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Super25  | General  | 6/3/2013

PG Super25 promotes 'team'

Jeff Dahn     
Photo: Perfect Game
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (June 3, 2013) -- The 2013 Perfect Game WWBA East Memorial Day Classic and PG WWBA West Memorial Day Classic both wrapped-up their four-day runs on May 27 by crowning five deserving championship teams (three in the West, two in the East). Those five championship teams -- and the other 240 that participated in the five age-group tournaments -- showed the drive and determination necessary to win Perfect Game's first two late-spring tournament events.
The Perfect Game Super25 national tournament series promises to offer much more of the same, albeit from a slightly different perspective. While the top travel team powerhouses will sometimes stock their rosters with the best available prospects from all over the country -- especially for national championship PG WWBA, PG BCS Finals and PG World Series tournaments -- the PG Super25 will mandate more stable rosters.

"We usually try to load up for a lot of the Perfect Game events," Upstate Mavericks founder and head coach Chris Nall said while at the PG WWBA 18u East Memorial Day Classic. "We kind of spread out and collaborate and just try to pick up the best guys we can. I've been a professional scout for six years and that helps, the connections I've got through that. We see guys and we take a shot on guys. We kind of put our group together and then we see what we need."

That approach is perfectly above board and travel team organizations have used it quite successfully during their runs to Perfect Game national championships. The Perfect Game Super25 strays from that ideal in that it mandates a team's roster remains consistent throughout each step of the tournament series. It puts the word "team" into baseball, one of the greatest of all team sports.  A team must play in a qualifier to become eligible to play in a super regional tournament.

The whole premise centers on "team-building" while the top age-group teams from across the country attempt to move from qualifier and regional (or super regional) tournaments to put themselves in a position to win a PG Super25 National Championship. As one observer put it so astutely, "Teams are going to have to win something in order to win something."

There are, of course, similarities between the PG Super25 tournament formats and those used in PG WWBA, PG BCS Finals and PG World Series national championships. The PG Super25 qualifier and regional tournaments will feature pool-play and an elimination procedure to be determined by the host site. Rosters are required to be posted online before the start of every qualifier tournament.

The super regional tournaments, which are open to teams from any region, will feature pool-play games and a double-elimination playoff format. The Perfect Game Super25 National Office will determine the double-elimination format based on the number of teams in the event.

The 225 teams that advance to one of the nine Perfect Game Super25 National Championships will combine to play thousands of games en route to that final destination. That's the true essence of "team-building."

For more information, please visit: www.PerfectGameSuper25.com